1:1 Mentorship

Our work together will be broken up into three phases. These phases are…


To establish a self-love practice and connection to your inner feminine, our initial sessions will be dedicated to your relationship to the masculine and feminine. This is an opportunity to get clarity on experiences that informed your core wounds, ego, limiting beliefs, and the root of your triggers. By uncovering your programming and conditioning, you can identify what is holding you back and trace the rupture from your feminine essence. You will also unravel the narratives that created your false self and we will shed light on your TRUE SELF with compassion, love, and acceptance.

Tools: Release and reprogram the past. Vision work where we will enter your highest vision portal uncovering your heart's deepest desires as you envision your highest self experiencing the life you deeply desire based on your inner guidance. Custom exercises and rituals will focus on releasing programming, narratives, and conditioning to heal on an emotional, somatic, spiritual, and mental level.


Unconditional self-love and acceptance are present when we get intimate with all parts of ourselves. We'll focus on the polarity within - your light and dark side, the masculine and feminine, the conscious and subconscious. Bringing to light the disowned parts of you, expands your edges and allows you to find unity in duality. With divine inner union and reverent self-love, you will harness the power to stand in your worth ready to claim your innermost truth, innate gifts, and self in the world.

Tools: This will include shadow work, unleashing your Dark Feminine side, invoking the inner mother archetype, getting intimate with your inner critic, and custom fill your "self-love cup" exercises. We will focus on self-forgiveness, compassion, acceptance, and strengthening your intuition and inner voice to build self-trust so you can reclaim how to be your own inner guide and healer.


This is the most potent time when we will focus on the continued activation of self-love codes of divinity and Queen archetypal embodiment. You will continue to take your insights and a-ha moments of learning and integrate them into your highest vision and manifestations. This work will lay the foundation to actualize your heart's deepest desires and anchor them into your sacred reality with emotional mastery, self-trust, deep intuition, and connection to the Goddess in your inner and outer realms.

Tools: Practices and tools include non-attachment and self-love embodiment. Exercises to build your muscle on finding your voice and setting boundaries. We will honor your inherent gifts and be seen in your highest divinity. Guided journal prompts to find your center of strength continuing to reframe your limiting beliefs and narratives so you can boldly create your vision into reality from your full unbridled embodied feminine essence.

How you’ll feel

Unwavering self-love, connection to your true self, and ecstatic liberation embodying your inherent worth.

Imagine a life where you're owning your power and voice. You’ve released the “shoulds” from society, your parents, and even yourself. You’re redefining what success means on your own terms aligned to your authenticity. You express your emotions and set boundaries freely without fear. You release your fear of being seen and feeling small. You know your true self at the deepest soul level and unconditionally love and accept who you are.

You navigate fears of abandonment and rejection with serenity because you won’t ever abandon yourself. You focus on yourself and put your needs first. You don’t walk on eggshells trying to please others. You've stepped into your inherent worth. You speak to yourself lovingly knowing anything less is not your vibe. You’re in deep radical self-expression and truth no longer dimming your light to be accepted and loved. You’re connected to your inner voice and aligned with your inner truth. You have a deep spiritual practice connected to the Goddess. You trust that Source has your back.

You’re unafraid to walk your own path even if it doesn’t make sense to others. You trust yourself completely and use your intuition for guidance. You have a deep connection to your body and are attuned to the sensations you feel knowing your own boundaries. You co-create with Shakti energizing and expanding your sacred body vessel and womb to anchor the energies into this realm for expansion of consciousness, clarity, self-mastery, and manifestation.

Your cup of self-love is overflowing with infinite joy, pleasure, creativity, and play. That’s when it clicks - your thoughts, beliefs, and energy have been recalibrated and are now in sync propelling you into quantum leaps of growth. You’ve released your false self. You are magnetizing new experiences, lessons, and people for your true soul’s vocation. The Universe is reflecting back to you your inherent love and worth and it’s because you've done the inner work to cultivate self-love, self-trust, and self-acceptance. You’re now living a life mirroring your divinity rooted in your soul’s true feminine essence. 

Are you ready to heal your core wounds? Are you ready to break free from your limiting beliefs and narratives? Are you ready to stop your self-sabotaging behavior? Are you ready to start living in your truth and power? Are you ready to reclaim your true self and unapologetically live out your dream life? Are you ready to unleash your inner Goddess and be in full Queen embodiment?

If the answer is a full body f*ck YES, then answer the bold call to step up and transform your life by aligning with your heart's deepest desires. Let's work on reframing your past and changing your narratives so you’re sending out high vibes of juicy self-love and worthiness. Expand your edges, level up, and start aligning, attracting, and manifesting your ideal life. Reclaim your true soul’s feminine essence. Let's make magic together!

How to work with me

1:1 Mentorship Offerings

This is a 1-on-1 container with a blend of mentorship, somatic Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping, and Kundalini yoga, focused on your spiritual journey by healing your inner core wounds, raising your self-worth, and aligning to your inner truth so you can reclaim your wild authentic self to awaken your confidence and empowerment.

*Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping is a somatic healing technique used for releasing negative emotions in the body like anxiety, depression, PTSD, pain, phobias, and other physical diagnoses. With self-love and acceptance at the root of this practice, it uses a combination of Cognitive/Exposure Therapy and verbal statements with Acupressure in the form of fingertip tapping on 9 acupuncture points that provides a neural cognitive reframe for your problems.

*Kundalini Yoga, called "the yoga of awareness," combines yoga poses, breathwork, mantra, and meditation to provide a complete mind, body,  and spiritual experience. Working with Kundalini Shakti energy (divine feminine create life force) connects you to Source energy and higher awareness. Some of the effects include improved concentration, increased productivity and creativity, better decision-making abilities, and a heightened sense of health and wellbeing

VIP 1:1 Mentorship - What’s Included?

  • 1-hour Zoom coaching sessions throughout the month (4 months = 3 sessions per month [12 sessions total] )

  • 1 bonus integration session 3 months after the mentorship container (45 min)

  • Telegram Support | Get support in between sessions (Monday-Thursday) to ensure you feel fully supported during our whole journey

  • Bonus discounts on select workshops, retreats, and immersions (in-person and online) and surprise gifts


  • 4 months ($4,444 USD): 13 sessions in total

    *Pay in full or payment plans available

*APPLY HERE: If you are interested in 1:1 mentorship, please apply by booking your discovery call with the button below and fill out this form so we can connect and ensure we are the right fit.

Unleash & unlock your authentic radiance

Rebirth to Radiance

Group Coaching

Group Coaching Offerings

Rebirth to Radiance ~ 6-week online group coaching program

Step into your true potential and embrace your authentic radiance with REBIRTH TO RADIANCE. This 6-week journey is designed to unleash your inner light by transcending and transforming the core wounds and fears that hold you back. Through a blend of immersive workshops and powerful Kundalini Yoga sessions, you’ll experience profound healing and liberation, paving the way for a life of alignment and expansion in all areas of your life. 

Whether you're new on the spiritual journey and want to build a foundation or have a deep desire to reset and refresh your spiritual practice working with the healing power of Kundalini energy, we will collectively take a pause and reset our charter to align with our heart and reprogram our internal GPS looking at different areas of our life to level-up in.

Each week, we focus on a transformative theme to guide you in removing barriers and amplifying your true self. Gain clarity, heal self-sabotage, overcome limiting beliefs, and celebrate your growth within a nurturing community of like-minded souls. You’ll also join the private Telegram community portal for ongoing support and accountability.







Click on the button below for the full deets on the Rebirth to Radiance program. It would be an honor to support you on your journey!

Work with me if...

  • You want to love yourself SO much that you become magnetic and a direct expression of the lifeforce within connecting to Shakti

  • You want to reclaim your power and live in your fully embodied true expression

  • You want 1:1 guidance and custom exercises to deepen your self-love, self-worth, self-confidence, and self-acceptance 

  • You want to let go of playing small and living out your self-sabotaging behaviors

  • You want to release your false identity and be the TRUE you

  • You want to stand in your power and worth

  • You want to connect with your embodied feminine essence and heal your core wounds

  • You want to put your own needs first

  • You want to live a life based on your own inner guidance and wisdom

  • You want to express your truth and share your needs/feelings/emotions with ease

  • You want to release self-judgment, perfectionism, and people pleasing

  • You want to set boundaries and take care of you

  • You want to share your true self with the world 

  • You want to believe and feel you’re lovable and enough

  • You want to release controlling everything in your life, especially when you don’t know the outcome

  • You want to let go of your fears of abandonment and rejection 

  • You want to live in flow knowing that the Universe has your back and there’s a divine plan unfolding

  • You want to step up into your empowered self taking action for your life and desires

  • You want to embody an abundance mindset and release comparison

  • You want help meeting your shadows with love and grace uncovering your blocks

  • You want to strengthen your self-trust muscle and have an unwavering connection to your intuition



What is coaching/mentorship?

Coaching & mentorship is a powerful, ongoing relationship that helps you focus and realize your visions and goals. With a Professional Coach & mentor, you will get the tools and support to remove obstacles and facilitate change. I'll also share my personal experience and guide you, but ultimately it's about helping you find your own inner wisdom, power, and voice. 

Is coaching therapy?

No, coaching is not therapy. Coaching focuses on planning, personal growth, future visioning, and if needed sharing a coach's personal journey and experiences. With certain coaches, there is an exploration of your past and coaches tend to help you focus on change to promote a brighter life now, and in the future. Coaches regularly refer clients to other professionals for issues that are better suited to a therapist or psychiatrist.

What is Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping?

Emotional Freedom Technique aka Tapping is a somatic healing technique used for releasing negative emotions in the body like anxiety, depression, PTSD, pain, phobias, and other physical diagnoses. With self-love and acceptance at the root of this practice, it uses a combination of Cognitive/Exposure Therapy and verbal statements with Acupressure in the form of fingertip tapping on 9 acupuncture points that provides a neural cognitive reframe for your problems.

How does EFT work?

Tapping on the 9 meridian points of your body while simultaneously talking about your core issue, sends a sign to your brain (the amygdala) that you are physically safe to relax and feel the uncomfortable emotions. As a result of feeling safe, your cortisol levels lower and you feel at peace no longer in fight/flight mode.

With this newfound safety, your body feels physically and emotionally safe to finish processing the unprocessed emotions from your past. You can now address that painful memory with self-love, compassion, and acceptance.

What are the benefits of EFT?

EFT can reduce stress, calm your fight/flight trauma responses, rewire old beliefs and conditioning, and improve confidence. With consistent tapping, you can neutralize the emotional intensity of memories that trigger you. You’ll experience self-love, a deep connection to your true self, and feel empowered to make decisions from your worth instead of your wound. Results are usually seen in just one session!

Is EFT clinically effective?

EFT has been proven to be effective with features in over 100 papers published in peer-reviewed medical and psychology journals, including clinical trials. EFT has also been proven to help war veterans suffering from PTSD.

How do I know if we're the right fit?

If you are ready to answer the bold call and embark on an alchemical transformational journey to meet your inner Goddess then let’s hop on a call and see if we’re a beautiful flowing fit. You can fill out a mentorship application where you’ll be prompted to answer questions and book a discovery call.